the roller coaster ride continues

My oncologist called me this morning. He affirmed the good news about my bone marrow being clear. He also spoke with me about the radiologist’s opinion. Essentially the size of my tumors and the multiplicity of them (see Saturday’s update) places me in a high risk category for recurrence. That being the case, he upped my chemo back to six months, followed by a month of testing and then a month of radiation. So, on the short side, I’m in for eight months of treatment if all goes well.

The big prayer request at this moment is that the eight months of treatment would sufficiently kill all the cancer cells in my body and that God would grant me healing on this first round of treatment. If He chooses the path of recurrence for me, I accept that and will honor Him through it, but I sure would love to resume my normal life and ministry after this first round.
People keep telling me that fruit is healthy, so I started the day with two blueberry pop tarts. I can already feel the difference! I’m sort of on a “count-down to chemo” at the moment—trying to pack every priority possible into the next seven days in preparation for the beginning of a long eight months. Looking forward to some family time tonight after a good day in the office in meetings and planning.
Honestly, the hardest part of this is simply knowing that family and ministry life will be so dramatically different in the coming months. I love my family and love serving the Lord. It’s sort of like being told by the coach that I have to sit out this season on the bench. Not so fearful and anxious as much as just… “bummer.”
An encouraging friend sent me a quote on twitter today: “Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, it’s learning to dance in the rain.” Love that!
Finally, I choose to rejoice—to be of good cheer. In whatsoever state the Lord places me these coming months, I will rejoice. He’s been way too good to me! And right about now I’m thinking I’m up for some more fruit tonight—maybe some peach ice cream and a strawberry blow-pop! 🙂

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7 Responses to the roller coaster ride continues

  1. Theresa Lacombe says:

    Brother Schmidt you honestly crack me up (regularly). You continue to be an amazing encouragement through this challenge. We are praying for you and your family. I have the “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass …” bumper sticker on my facebook page. It is very true! I do prefer to eat my blueberries fresh, however.

  2. Janet Ballew says:

    Dear Brother Schmidt,
    We love you and your family. We pray for you, Brother Larry, and Dr. Goetsch daily- sometimes hour by hour. I thank God for knowing you and your love for us in ministering to us at Henry Mayo when Jim came out of his coma.
    Thank you for making “DONE” available as an e-book. I kept gifting them away at the hospital in March and April. What a year God has given to all of us.
    In Christian Love,
    Mrs. Jim Ballew

  3. Mike Westmoreland says:

    I Haven’t written you up to now as I know you must be covered up in communication right now. But I do want you to know we are praying here in AL. I look forward to seeing God’s mighty hand moving in your life in days to come.
    In Christ,
    Mike Westmoreland

  4. Coefield Family says:

    Bro Schmidt and family,
    We love you and pray for you all so often. Thank you for loving our children and being such a wonderful example to us all. Thank you for always praying for Ocie.
    Love and blessings
    Coefield family xxxxxx

  5. Bethany Carter says:

    Bri. Schmidt my name is Bethany Carter and I am from the youth group in Morgan Hill. I just wanted to tell you that your testimony of all that is going on in your life and that you never quit trusting God is a huge encouragement to me. Thank you, and I am praying for you and your family.

  6. lyn roberts says:

    amazing Grace!!!

  7. Joe Wheaton says:

    Praying for you every day.

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