sidelined again… thanks to shingles!

Got all psyched up for treatment #8, but honestly, I could tell something wasn’t right with my body. While I was able to work and function this week, I still felt pretty crummy—weak and achey. By Thursday and Friday my chest was tight and I knew my body was having a tough time fighting off chest sickness, and I was having some strange pains in my upper body.

Sure enough, last night shingles started to appear on my back. Come to find out, this is somewhat common for chemo patients and it is not good for a number of reasons. First, it’s the result of a low immune system. Second, it’s going to get painful, from what I’m told. Third, it cancels treatment for at least a week—maybe longer. Fourth, it puts me back in bed for another week, hopefully not longer. And fifth, if it isn’t stopped quickly it can become a bacterial infection in my heart, lungs, and other organs. So it’s not something to mess with. Let’s not do a hospital stay!
My doctor responded quickly, put me on some strong medication, and told me to stay home. I also had blood work done this morning, so we’ll see soon where my white counts are at. I can feel that they are low.
At least this week in bed I’ll be in my right mind. It’s a bit of a bummer to post-pone chemo again. I was really counting down the days until it’s done. Now the final treatment is moved further into May. Please pray that the meds will knock this out quickly, before it gets worse. And pray that we can resume treatment next Monday.

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6 Responses to sidelined again… thanks to shingles!

  1. Linda Androvich says:

    I will continue to pray for you!

  2. Mom says:

    Praying for you constantly. I feel your pain since I had shingles last year, and I’m so very sorry and sad that you are having to deal with this on top of all the rest.
    I love you and pray that you will be back on track with your treatments soon.
    love, Mom

  3. Lance Robert Schmidt (Dad) says:

    ouch! I know this is painful as I have seen it up close with Mom.
    Just read this morning in 2 Cor. about Paul’s struggles and it reminded me of you and your trials. The Lord will stand with you and perfect His strength in you through this weakness and satanic attack.
    The battle rages for souls with the DONE book being effective and used by the LORD. Your sifting by Satan is part of God’s strength and grace being magnified through his words of truth presented in your book and in your life – Keep walking in the spirit withe the LORD and glory in your infirmities that the strength of Christ may rest upon you more than ever … And increase and abound in and through you. The words quoted in your DONE book from the holy scriptures are spirit and life and Satan does not like it one bit. That is why it appears that he asked permission to sift you. God is getting the glory as you respond in victory depending on His grace. (easy for me to armchair quarterback as I am not in this fiery furnace with you but the LORD himself is!) I love you. Many here are upholding you in prayer. Dad

  4. HARRIS, Ron and Annette says:

    Brother Schmidt,
    We are bummed along with you – Yet God is still good! Thank you for being an encouragement to us during this trial-thanks for letting us come along on this journey, God is really teaching us some things thru your afflictions. Your faithfulness and response to it all is amazing to say the least! Thanks for living what you teach and preach! Know that we are praying for Mrs. Schmidt, Haylee, Larry, Lance and you! and PLEASE, get some rest!
    We love you!

  5. Olivia Coefield says:

    Brother Schmidt,
    Sorry to hear the news about shingles, NO FUN!!!!! We pray for you all often and want you to know that the Coefield family all LOVE your family. Just the other day my mom got an email from our old Pastor who just found out he has throat cancer. She told him all about you and directed him to your site to read. We had not heard from them in years and suddenly out of the blue this email. The Lord works in ways that are amazing. You and your family are being used to help and encourage others all over the world. You are such an encouragement to our family and we love and pray for you.
    Coefield family

  6. Kristie says:

    I sure do appreciate your great attitude. My 14-year-old son just commented that you almost make it “comical.” I know it’s not comical for you at all, but your positive spirit is such a blessing. You are teaching a lot of us how to handle severe trials.
    We’ll pray about those shingles. Our 11-year-old daughter got them last fall, and Aloe Vera really does help. I’m sure you are somewhat limited on what they’ll give you, with other ongoing treatments, but maybe that could take some of the pain away.

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