Blessings and Scans…

This is just a quick update for many people who have asked or have stated that they are praying for me.
First, the good news. This has been a fantastic Christmas season for our family, and health wise, I’m doing well. My chest has stayed clear and my body free of illness this season—which is a major blessing in light of the past Winter seasons of sickness. The two major impacts of cancer and treatments that remain are lung strength and physical weakness/energy management. My lungs are slightly better with each passing week, but still not back to normal. And I’m still physically weak at times. My exercise routine is ramping up, so that should improve things quickly.

Second, the prayer request. January is upon us, which means I’m due for a 6 month scan. There’s no way to quite relate the emotions of approaching a scan. I know I’m in God’s hands, and I trust Him whatever He chooses. At the same time, I’m sure praying that He would grant me continued remission. I’ve read of a lot of cases where Hodgkins returned at the 6 month mark… so we are really praying that my scans will be clean. Please pray with us. It will be toward the end of January.
I’m hearing almost daily from people that are reading Off Script and being encouraged through it. That makes this journey all worth it. God is good, and He is continuing to lead us through every uncertain moment. Thank you for praying and for your encouragement!
Happy new year!

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One Response to Blessings and Scans…

  1. Sandra Cepec says:

    I have been praying for you and your family. Your family picture is on my desk at church so that I will remember to pray for your family. My son, Stephen will,Lord willing, be having his 2nd stem cell transplant this month. My youngest son, Shawn (11 yrs. old) is a match for him. He’ s our youngest of five. The doctor is having to fight with his insurance to have this proceedure done. Pray with us that God would work all of the details for this to come together according to His will. Thank you!

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