I’ve been sitting on some news—first because I wanted the official report and second because we’ve been getting some family time the last couple of days. Here’s the story:
My PET scan was Monday morning. This is the cancer test—the one that shows dark spots where cancer exists. It begins with some sort of radioactive injection, then after thirty minutes, you lay in a machine that takes images of how the chemical metastasizes with “fast reproducing cells” in your body. Thus, cancerous regions show up very clearly on these tests. In my first PET scan in October, I had large black areas all across my upper body that were obviously cancerous. It was disturbing to see those images.
On Monday, my scan technician was a Christian, and after the scan he said, “Wow, looks pretty good to me!” He pointed me to the screen in front of him. “Is that me?” I asked. “Yep… looks 100% to me!” he said. I leaned in and looked at the image. It was completely different than what I had seen in October. My upper body in the image was completely clear of any black areas! The tech looked at me, smiled, and said, “Praise Jesus, huh?”
Well, that was the understatement of the year! I hadn’t expected to get results until later in the week. This was AWESOME news! I stepped out to the waiting room, threw my arms in the air, hugged Dana, and told her the news. Then we went to lunch and fought back the tears, and thanked the Lord.
I met with my doctor on Thursday and he shared the report with me. It reads “…complete resolution of PET abnormalities…” and “There are no suspicious PET findings on the current scan”—medical speak for “this scan doesn’t show any cancer!” We had a good appointment and the doctor was very happy that the treatments are working.
What does this all mean? While there may be some remaining cancer cells in my body, there are no detectable cancerous regions. This is a miraculous answer to prayer, especially since I’m only just past the mid point of treatment. I couldn’t wait to share this news with praying friends and family.
I still have five chemo treatments—the next one being Monday. And then a month of radiation will follow. But we have much to be thankful for in the midst of what will still be a difficult few months of treatments.
The photo at the top was taken this past week at Krispy Kreme—Dana’s favorite. (Can you see the delight on her face?) We took Larry and Haylee away for the past three days for the end of their Spring Break week. (Lance is out of town, and we missed having him along.) We stayed close, but enjoyed a restful time away—filled with laughter, some shopping, swimming, a few enjoyable meals, and good memories together. I especially enjoyed feeling well and being able to spend extended time in the mornings reading.
As for shingles, they are still working their magic—stinging, itching, and some weird body pains included—but gradually subsiding. (Dana’s an excellent back-scratcher!) Actually, the shingles were a gift on a number of levels and in ways I cannot take the time to describe in this post. Simply put, the Lord knew I needed a break. He also knew I would need a clear mind in church last Sunday night. And He knew that Dana and the kids needed a couple of really good and energetic days with me. Shingles postponed chemo, and allowed all of that to happen. So I rejoice in shingles!
So that’s the news, and we are grateful! Thank you again for your prayers.
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Dear Bro. Schmidt Praising The Lord for the good news about your PET scan. I continue to pray for you in Kentucky. You are a blessing to me, I read all your posts, the health ones and all the others. God is so good. His love, mercy, and grace are beyond measure. To God be the glory!
In Christ’s Love
Diane King
Awestruck and praising the Lord!!!!!!!! Will continue to pray for God’s grace and continued healing in your life. (Let me know when Larry is on the road and when it is safe to get back on the road myself) 😉
WOW!!! God is awesome!!! Amazing! Praise the Lord! Keeping you and your family in my prayers…
I’m a Baptist pastor in Michigan. I have been reading you your updates and seeing from them how the Lord is working in your life. Thanks for sharing your journey. My family had a similar journey (non-cancerous) with our daughter back in 2007. (http://katiehealth.blogspot.com/) We know first-hand the experience of God’s grace during this type of trial. God bless you and your family as you continue to serve Him.
Your fellow servant,
Pastor Bob Hugan
Thanking God for this awesome report! Our hearts are overwhelmed by His goodness. Glad you were able to get away for a couple days with your family & that Mrs. Schmidt got some Krispy Kreme donuts:) Will continue to pray!
I’m so happy to hear this Bro. Schmidt! It’s been the greatest encouragement and blessing to me to see you fight this and trust in the Lord. And to see you in your place every Sunday is a testament to God’s grace! I’ll still be praying that the next few months go smoothly for you! Thank you for being the godly example that you’ve been these past months!